Michael Clarke
Hi, Michael here. I have been working for Raison d’Etre since 2007. My past life is in hotel operations both in spas and hotel management, prior to that recreation/leisure facility management in New Zealand. To date I have been involved in 50+ projects in 30 countries, including 17 on site openings. I am currently based in New Zealand…travel is only a suitcase away!.
My passion for work:
Finding the opportunity when it cannot be seen. I love thinking outside the box, yet bringing simplicity to the most complex of situations and being solution focused. Mad about human centered design and how this approach provides genuine innovation, something Raison d’Etre was doing before it became a “thing”.
My Rasion d’Etre:
A dear friend recently called me a ‘bridge’, as in someone that brings people together. I have realized that I have been doing that all my life whether in a personal, sporting and significantly in a professional setting. Growing people, developing people and bringing people together brings me joy. You should also know I am a passionate Liverpool FC supporter and a live sports commentator for surf life saving in New Zealand!